Gökpınar Lake
Gökpınar Lake is one of the rarest places in our country as well as in Gurun in terms of its natural beauty. It is 10 kilometers from the town center. Its water is sweet, clear and clean. So much so that although the depth of some parts reaches 17-20 meters, the collapse of a small object to the bottom and its position on the bottom can be clearly observed. Another feature of the lake is that it changes tone according to the angle of the sun. This name is given because the color of the lake is blue-sky. The lake, which boils from the bottom of the rocks on which it rests and from the ground in places, consists of two parts. Trout is produced in the water that comes out of the lake called Küçük Göl. The Great Lake is in a location that is visited for touristic purposes.
Two legends are told about the formation of Gökpınar Lake among the people. According to the first, “While a shepherd was resting with his flock on the land where the lake is located, he was told in a dream, ‘Get away from here with your sheep, the water will boil from below’. When the shepherd wakes up, he hastily takes the flock and crosses the opposite slope. Indeed, after a while, the water starts to boil and Gökpınar is formed. According to the second, “The shepherd and his flock suffer from severe thirst. There is no water source in the immediate vicinity. The shepherd groans helplessly, “O Lord, water” and hits the ground with his staff. After a while, the water starts to boil from where the staff touches. The shepherd and the sheep drink bloodily. This water that comes out becomes a lake there.” Local people call the lake “Gökpınar” because the water of the lake is clear and sky blue.
It is a place worth seeing for people who are interested in rafting. The area of Gökpınar Lake is 3 thousand square meters. It looks like a natural aquarium. Its water is very sweet and cold.